Now Pt.2

I am a long string of moments

That I try in vain to capture on a phone

To review later, escaping the present

To only half enjoy the past


I was created by God

A frame in a moving picture

A dusty, spirit infused meat

Made to look something like love

Though born with a disease


I mutate and regress

I stagnate and swell

Until I fell back into the arms of grace

That stood me up on feet again

And taught me to walk towards the coming son

Taught me to become less, to go down

To learn from the smallest of things

How to be great


To learn from death how to live

And from life how to die

To everything I think I need

And grasp the only thing worth grasping

With a grip made doubly strong

By the fact that it grasps me back


A moment

Caught in time

Of a hand reaching out

To catch a falling man


My whole life is filled with these snapshots

Leaving me walking through a gallery

Experiencing an emotion humans only touch

When they begin to think outside of the present

When they join the great I Am in simply existing


Present, past, and future in the meshwork of it all

Recalling past fithfulness and failures

Perceiving future rewards or pitfalls


To climb the branches of a tree

And look out over the underbrush of moments

Above the canopy layers

To see all the way to the horison of life

And to know more than just today

Is the only way we can understand this moment


Without perspective I am a weird series of stills

A sad collection of washing dishes

Forgeting where my car keys are

And watching my toe bleed after tearing off a hangnail


No wonder this world confuses most people

How do we make sense of genocide?

Animals that eat each other

And women who put plastic in their breasts?


Is the world so nonsensical

That the option that makes most sense

Is to give up trying and just drug ourselves?


Escape, escape

All I see is my friends trying to escape

The moment


If a moment was good, they try to nail it to the wall

They want to freese it in time so they never have to leave it

If the moment is bad, and they cannot escape it

They will damage their senses so they need not take it in


They would gouge out their own eyes

Impair their ability to enjoy future moments

Just to escape the hell of the present one


And all this thinking or lack thereof leaves me climbing trees

Burying my nose in some history book

Or reading about the future of artificial intelligence

To try to tie my life to something greater

To try to find my place in this world

My sense of time has left me

Not wanting to waste it

I yearn to be this well oiled machine

This expensive factory, getting stuff done

I want to be working round the clock

And creating the product with the highest demand

I want to be going to the right school

And learning computer code

I want to be teaching myself french

And how to cook raviolis

I want to be going and doing

Because I was born in the country

That teaches that stillness is waste

And that rest is idleness

I need to reprogram my brain

To mirror the cycles of days and seasons

The way nature goes further by not burning out

The preperation of the pupa

The hibernation of the grizzly


Oh God of all moments

Who gives me each day a steady stream

Of now


I look for you in each second

Turning my present into praise

Recounting my past in song and tribal dance


Offering my future as a sweet offering

All my hours and minutes I give to you

As firsts and not seconds

This moment is a holy place

Just to be with you


Just to be


I am saying goodbye to me
While I have said my adeus to so many friends
This time it is myself
I’m not talking about cutting out the wrong in my life
Saying goodbye to my faults and flaws
Just the fact that
To remain the same over several years is retardation
As I know me
Will change
Should change

There is good and bad to this departure
There are pros and cons to this farewell
Pieces of me are going to end up looking more like Jesus
Others might not
And some things might just change
A soft shifting of shades
The growth of fiveoclock
Shadows growing slowly and inperceptibly
As the movement of the sun

The ones who track this slow, mushroom-on-the-forest-floor kind of growth
Are the ones who aren’t there
My friends and family
Who have been shut indoors
And are shocked that night has come so soon
Who have spent a month away from me
And step back at the gauntness
Or the growth of hair
Or the slight accent

Jesus, I cling to you
The only blueprint of my soul
I will dissipate
I will become less
Nothing, even
But I hold onto the pieces of me that already hold onto you
The covelant bond
Formed by our shared Spirit

Let me live
Not trapped in a sculpture
Or prefired so solid I break
But as clay
Moist and malleable
Trusting the hands of the potter

And if I change let me change as the man
Who is longing for his home

The Better of the Two


I’m hearing two preachers
Teachers from apposing systems
Voices of dark and light
The dirty and mighty

I’m hearing two speakers
One’s leaking through the sutures
Creeping from the old man
Painting hated pictures

Verses a renovated outlook
A rejuvenated vision
Holy inspiration and scriptural division
Of the things of this world
Properly labeled
Shown for what they are and where they lead

It’s a mental game of thrones
Intermingled, intermarried
Thoughts clashing for the will
My mind’s a three ring circus
Or a boxing ring
Where blood and teeth fly dimly lit
And my heart flips and flops
On who to support
The wishy washy inner man
Struggling to choose between passion and freedom

The soft strains of sweeter songs are wafting over hills
While I engage in dark pleasures beneath a rock
Part of me wants the fresh air to peal over everything I am
While something deeper cries to be covered forever more

Fig leaves and copper casings
Telling of the fall of mankind
That traces its way through my vines daily
Temporal choices echoing in eternity

How influenced I am
How like soft clay
I am an image bearer of the king
Scribbling on my face with markers and paints
Trying to camouflage with the system of perversion
Ignorant to the idea that rebellion is to choose what is true

Two preachers, standing on the corner
And my feet pointed in two directions
I cannot stand forever
With the loud street and the jostling crowd
I am each moment being moved one way or the other

No being is without motion
And so my soul is degrading or upgrading
With each flutter of the eyelash
Or firing of the neurons
Dopamine releases from the brain
While inner spirits call out louder
The way to go

Led by indulgence or victory?
Will I count the cost and count the hours?
Weighing the passing against the everlasting
Or will I willingly let them disfigure my face
In exchange for a back massage.

Seems so easy standing from above
To determine what is best and weed out Ponzi schemes
But when the ball snaps
And 300 pounds wrapped in a number erupts in my face
I often flee indecision hastily
Regardless of black or whites or grays
I have my say and state my piece
And make my way
Without reading the statistics or the compass
I have often thrown myself headlong into a vat of oil
After a pretty face or a compliment
When all the while true freedom awaits
At the willful fettering to a king
The grip of a lifebuoy is liberating to some

Two realities
Two whispers
One corresponding to reality
And the other to the way reality is in my head
The way I sometimes wish that it was
But when my fantasies unravel and unwind in the real world
They leave it bitter and cold
And strewn with the bodies of the ones I love

Hind sight is twenty twenty
And I could write a hundred books on the should-haves and could-haves
But there is only one place I know I can check in
And find peace and rest
In the arms of God I need no decision
Or answer
Only His love

Under the shadow of the wing I have no fear
Of wrongdoing
I am completely accepted
So will my heart sing

There is a love that burns itself into my heart’s eyes
Causing everything I see to have a lovely glow
The twisted and crooked are made straight
And the outcasts are shown to be valuable

Here in this Presence I am redefined
All of my inner wiring is redone
To make it easier to hear The Voice
Easier to blame the Son
For all I have become

Now I desperately run to the right preacher
Blocking my ears and blotting my fears of this world’s system
I am remade and renewed
I am welded and glued
To the Image of the True
The Better of the two