
The present moment
slowly lumbers by
steals our perception
like wind rustling leaves
of trees planted by the stream
flowing, driving, never stopping
until you stop and watch it pass
which velocity is real?

A leaf falls into the brook
and to it’s eyes the world is rushing by
sweeping beneath and about
faster than a bouncing deer
but not quite as fast as lightning

yet to the world the passing leaf
enters and leaves and is forgotten
yes every system seems as reality
when we are in it

I was in a machine
that taught me to claw and growl
and fight and sweat to stay alive
and ahead
of those who were losing the race
by sleeping
in the sun. one day
I will have enough money to play
and relax and watch the sacred sparrow pass
singing songs about flowers in some unkown field
that I blow dust into from the gravel road
running late to work
late or scared, can’t tell which
sometimes the same
scared of wasting time or falling behind
completely unable to rest in the moment
the moment when the dew clings to the end of the leaf
not desperate, but waiting to be filled
to the point of dropping
the moment when the steam rises from the coffee
demanding my patience until the second law
has normalized the drink to a level suitable to the human pallet
the moment when the engine dies and I have no cell reception
and the impossibility of the situation leaves me lying on my back
in a bed of cutgrass, scattered in dandelions
the aphids hop onto my sweaty legs and I am slowly aware of a brook
that seems to laugh not in spite but in joy
that I have found what I was not looking for
and that I have inadvertently arrived where I was trying to drive to
like some strange children’s board game
I threw the dice that screwed up my day
and somehow landed me on the square
that the rules dictate moves me ahead ten spaces
to the moment that is now
to the present

and I am here
without strength or answers
finding that no striving serves me
any good. I am defeated
in my defeat I feel the crackling and popping
of a log slowly burning away into nothing
until I am left stranded in the present moment
without refuge or hope of return
to the wildly tumultuous stream of moments
that carried me along like a seed on the wind
waiting my whole life to be planted and grow
roots into who knows what
only to find myself upset and discontent
with my adobe pot and fill out the seven page form
in triplicates, petitioning my immediate transplantation
without a second thought to severed roots and the system shock
are too slow. Tumble weeds are the way to go
but they have died because they let the wind
pull up their only source to eat
like sowing one’s mouth shut
or pouring cement in the well
all in the name of adventure or progress
or self development or a career path

the present moment lies up over the next hill
it is the promise of a quiet pool
for me to lower my sore and aching bones into
it is a paradise, but one that I have been walking in
for some time. In fact, the now has stretched from my invention
my first breathe introduced to me the miracle of life
and the blessing of every heartbeat. I was promised nothing more
indeed not even that
so I entered not reading the signs and found myself
ten miles into the reserve before I realized
that everything those old men with pinched up faces have been toiling for
has been mine for the taking since the start
I found the joy of gratefulness
and have learned with Paul the secret
of lying in a field with a busted radiator
and no care in the whole singing world
but to lie back and be completely content
knowing that I am held and that I am loved
in the present moment
and possibly the most meaningful and satisfying thing
that I can do on this earth is to admit the fact
and receive the love
Love is in the present tense
and holds me up like scaffolding
every second of life is a gift to me
that I’m learning to say thank you for
with every beat
of the heart that slowly learns
not to set it’s longings on the past
or be overcome with worry for tomorrow
but to be still and at peace in the lake of love
untroubled on the waters of God.

Now Pt.2

I am a long string of moments

That I try in vain to capture on a phone

To review later, escaping the present

To only half enjoy the past


I was created by God

A frame in a moving picture

A dusty, spirit infused meat

Made to look something like love

Though born with a disease


I mutate and regress

I stagnate and swell

Until I fell back into the arms of grace

That stood me up on feet again

And taught me to walk towards the coming son

Taught me to become less, to go down

To learn from the smallest of things

How to be great


To learn from death how to live

And from life how to die

To everything I think I need

And grasp the only thing worth grasping

With a grip made doubly strong

By the fact that it grasps me back


A moment

Caught in time

Of a hand reaching out

To catch a falling man


My whole life is filled with these snapshots

Leaving me walking through a gallery

Experiencing an emotion humans only touch

When they begin to think outside of the present

When they join the great I Am in simply existing


Present, past, and future in the meshwork of it all

Recalling past fithfulness and failures

Perceiving future rewards or pitfalls


To climb the branches of a tree

And look out over the underbrush of moments

Above the canopy layers

To see all the way to the horison of life

And to know more than just today

Is the only way we can understand this moment


Without perspective I am a weird series of stills

A sad collection of washing dishes

Forgeting where my car keys are

And watching my toe bleed after tearing off a hangnail


No wonder this world confuses most people

How do we make sense of genocide?

Animals that eat each other

And women who put plastic in their breasts?


Is the world so nonsensical

That the option that makes most sense

Is to give up trying and just drug ourselves?


Escape, escape

All I see is my friends trying to escape

The moment


If a moment was good, they try to nail it to the wall

They want to freese it in time so they never have to leave it

If the moment is bad, and they cannot escape it

They will damage their senses so they need not take it in


They would gouge out their own eyes

Impair their ability to enjoy future moments

Just to escape the hell of the present one


And all this thinking or lack thereof leaves me climbing trees

Burying my nose in some history book

Or reading about the future of artificial intelligence

To try to tie my life to something greater

To try to find my place in this world

My sense of time has left me

Not wanting to waste it

I yearn to be this well oiled machine

This expensive factory, getting stuff done

I want to be working round the clock

And creating the product with the highest demand

I want to be going to the right school

And learning computer code

I want to be teaching myself french

And how to cook raviolis

I want to be going and doing

Because I was born in the country

That teaches that stillness is waste

And that rest is idleness

I need to reprogram my brain

To mirror the cycles of days and seasons

The way nature goes further by not burning out

The preperation of the pupa

The hibernation of the grizzly


Oh God of all moments

Who gives me each day a steady stream

Of now


I look for you in each second

Turning my present into praise

Recounting my past in song and tribal dance


Offering my future as a sweet offering

All my hours and minutes I give to you

As firsts and not seconds

This moment is a holy place

Just to be with you


Just to be