
Frail god child
Divine meat baby
Cosmic vulnerability
Incarnational living
The virgin birth is either
The most ridiculous fantasy
Or the most shocking surprise
There is no halfway
Quaint songs
Of silent nights
And a meek and mild child
Is mockery
It’s either staggering truth
Or pernicious deception
Stop pretending it’s a little of both
Lukewarm Christmas
Is making me a grinch


Let the caffeine chew at your mind
Yes, walk in moonlit fields
Till everything makes sense
Turn it over and over
In your brain until you’re free
While the rest of the world sleeps
Dead to all thought
Numb to all answers
Drooling on their pillows
As the morning sun peaks over
The tree furrowed horizon
Spilling reds and golds
Across your crinkled brow
That relaxes slowly
As all the world find its order
Inside your mind
And the last jigsaw piece is placed
Because you stayed awake

The Difference Between Being Awake and Being Alive

Awake you suck

The air molecules into lungs that

Unknowingly go on with their work

To provide oxygen to brain cells

That send the neurological signals

To your writhing muscles as your

Thumbs, sliding and pounding

Crush all the candy.

Alive you scream

The air out of freezing lungs as feet

Burn with friction from the downhill sprint

The wet grass soaks your clothes

And the fog breaks open to a view

Of the ocean, which fits itself through

The windows of your eyes and crams

Into your mind and spirit causing it to expand

Yes, it threatens to explode

The Power of Song

By Friedrich Schiller

Translation by Daniel Platt

A stream of rain from fissured mountains,
It comes with thunder’s vehemence,
A shattered peak pursues its fountains,
And oaks beneath it tumble hence;
Amazed, with dread anticipation,
The wanderer listens, and he harks,
He hears the roaring inundation,
Yet knows not, whence its rush embarks;
And so a wave of singing courses
From out of ne’er discovered sources.

In league with dreadful beings fabled,
That calmly weave life’s fateful strands,
Who has the singer’s spell disabled,
Who can his melodies withstand?
As if with Hermes’ staff supernal,
So he commands the heart bestirred,
He dips it in the realms infernal,
He lifts it, dazzling, heavenward
And rocks the scale, ‘twixt grave and merry
Where myriad emotions vary.

As if at once, into joy’s sphere, it’s
Gigantic stride comes instantly,
Mysteriously, like to spirits,
Intrudes a monstrous destiny.
Then bow the great ones of all nations
To the stranger from another world,
The din of idle jubilation
Is stilled, away the masks are hurled,
And ‘fore the Truth’s triumphal splendor
There flees each work that Lies engender.

Thus roused from all the empty rigors,
Whene’er the call of Song resounds,
A man becomes a soul transfigured,
And enters into holy grounds;
Unto the gods on high he’s suited,
Naught earthly draws into his pale,
And every other power is muted,
And no misfortune may assail,
Each wrinkle born of worry dwindles,
Where reigns the magic Song enkindles.

And just as after hopeless yearning,
The bitter pain of years apart,
A child with tears remorseful burning
Will fall upon his mother’s heart,
So back to childhood’s habitations,
To innocent felicity,
From foreign ways of distant nations
The singing leads the refugee,
Away from frigid rules he races
To faithful Nature’s warm embraces.



Matted hair

Worn souls

Tattered tales

Patched holes

Amber ale

Five fold


Staring red eyed down the alley way

Dumpsters frame the skies of gray

Garbage is a place to lay

When hunger makes a rebel sway

Or stray from strength

And fall in stench

Alive by night, asleep by day


The blare of noon will wake him up

A collared heart, a savage pup

The picket fences weren’t enough

Nor were the steeples



Leathered rather

Face frothed

With lager lather

Fountain bath

Coming after

Pigeon droppings

From the rafters


Hidden deep

A heart that feels

And longs for meaning

Respect and meals

Not for food but company

Not for shoes but eyes that see

Past dumb decision

And unhealthy patterns

Harmful addictions

And through to what matters


A traveler

Throwing himself on concrete stairs

At the old catholic church on fifth and Madison

Crying himself to sleep

Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.



As Kingfishers Catch Fire

By Gerald Manley Hopkins


As king fishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame;
As tumbled over rim in roundy wells
Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell’s
Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name;
Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:
Deals out that being indoors each one dwells;
Selves — goes itself; myself it speaks and spells,
Crying What I do is me: for that I came.

I say more: the just man justices;
Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces;
Acts in God’s eye what in God’s eye he is —
Christ. For Christ plays in ten thousand places,
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
To the Father through the features of men’s faces.


By Torri Horness

I will not try to convince you to love me.
I am not a shout,
but a whisper,
& if you cannot hear the
sounds of wonder
coming from my life,
it is not I who need to scream,
but you who
need to learn to listen.

you keep waiting
to be startled awake, to
find something loud enough to love.
love is not a surprise party
thrown in your honor,
& I will not throw a single punch
in this fight for your attention.

there is beauty in the quiet,
in the still & homespun.
I am a whisper,
& a whisper
is enough.




The present moment
slowly lumbers by
steals our perception
like wind rustling leaves
of trees planted by the stream
flowing, driving, never stopping
until you stop and watch it pass
which velocity is real?

A leaf falls into the brook
and to it’s eyes the world is rushing by
sweeping beneath and about
faster than a bouncing deer
but not quite as fast as lightning

yet to the world the passing leaf
enters and leaves and is forgotten
yes every system seems as reality
when we are in it

I was in a machine
that taught me to claw and growl
and fight and sweat to stay alive
and ahead
of those who were losing the race
by sleeping
in the sun. one day
I will have enough money to play
and relax and watch the sacred sparrow pass
singing songs about flowers in some unkown field
that I blow dust into from the gravel road
running late to work
late or scared, can’t tell which
sometimes the same
scared of wasting time or falling behind
completely unable to rest in the moment
the moment when the dew clings to the end of the leaf
not desperate, but waiting to be filled
to the point of dropping
the moment when the steam rises from the coffee
demanding my patience until the second law
has normalized the drink to a level suitable to the human pallet
the moment when the engine dies and I have no cell reception
and the impossibility of the situation leaves me lying on my back
in a bed of cutgrass, scattered in dandelions
the aphids hop onto my sweaty legs and I am slowly aware of a brook
that seems to laugh not in spite but in joy
that I have found what I was not looking for
and that I have inadvertently arrived where I was trying to drive to
like some strange children’s board game
I threw the dice that screwed up my day
and somehow landed me on the square
that the rules dictate moves me ahead ten spaces
to the moment that is now
to the present

and I am here
without strength or answers
finding that no striving serves me
any good. I am defeated
in my defeat I feel the crackling and popping
of a log slowly burning away into nothing
until I am left stranded in the present moment
without refuge or hope of return
to the wildly tumultuous stream of moments
that carried me along like a seed on the wind
waiting my whole life to be planted and grow
roots into who knows what
only to find myself upset and discontent
with my adobe pot and fill out the seven page form
in triplicates, petitioning my immediate transplantation
without a second thought to severed roots and the system shock
are too slow. Tumble weeds are the way to go
but they have died because they let the wind
pull up their only source to eat
like sowing one’s mouth shut
or pouring cement in the well
all in the name of adventure or progress
or self development or a career path

the present moment lies up over the next hill
it is the promise of a quiet pool
for me to lower my sore and aching bones into
it is a paradise, but one that I have been walking in
for some time. In fact, the now has stretched from my invention
my first breathe introduced to me the miracle of life
and the blessing of every heartbeat. I was promised nothing more
indeed not even that
so I entered not reading the signs and found myself
ten miles into the reserve before I realized
that everything those old men with pinched up faces have been toiling for
has been mine for the taking since the start
I found the joy of gratefulness
and have learned with Paul the secret
of lying in a field with a busted radiator
and no care in the whole singing world
but to lie back and be completely content
knowing that I am held and that I am loved
in the present moment
and possibly the most meaningful and satisfying thing
that I can do on this earth is to admit the fact
and receive the love
Love is in the present tense
and holds me up like scaffolding
every second of life is a gift to me
that I’m learning to say thank you for
with every beat
of the heart that slowly learns
not to set it’s longings on the past
or be overcome with worry for tomorrow
but to be still and at peace in the lake of love
untroubled on the waters of God.


By Graci Gilroy


Hold my heart out for the world to pass over with the rage of a midnight storm,

Anything to feel more than the tugging of lines, rehearsed to better this state of mind.


A walk through the pines, the touch of mist,

It evaporates too fast to believe it exists.


Flowers blossomed when he arrived, colors swirled with thoughts of him,

But I only felt him close by the time he was gone


I read a poem, wrote a song –

But all taste like stale bread on the tip of my tongue.


Oh, I want to see home for the first time,

Hold the warmth of its embrace like a cup of earl grey


Instead everything slips from my grasp as soon as it comes;

Is this all my doing? The tendency of those inclined

To irrational anxieties?


I’ll dream of colors that must exist, of their vibrancy and light,

And face the rain till its presence is undeniable.

Until His touch is on my skin once again.




I am peeling back the blinds to find myself


At blaring light last night hid from my sight


Not only to my surrooundings but to the one who found me

And wrote a more beautiful history

Who wanted more than this for me

Wistfuly I recount the dreams and aspirations

That were planted like seeds in the soil of my heart

I start

To remember that they are true

though they seem too good for this dusty life around me

I’m grounding

My direction in the words you spoke to me

delicately directing my life out to open sea

I’m constrained by your stars but otherwise free

To be

Everything written in the DNA

Of this burning coal you placed on my lips

On this road trip the cd skips

When I hit bumps I bite lips

And my tongue

Sore from abuse might stay silent

Might not show up for work

But stay at home sick

Might forget how to spit

Sickly the very anthem that kills the enemy

When have we ever been at ease with

Not talking

Loose lips sink ship, change lives, patch rips

In the holes of our identity

Maybe we are stuck between

A lofty self image that seems too good to be true

And a battered distortion served up as truth


And unable to speak the speech prepared

Long before the creation of the world you cared

Enough about me to choose my hair color

What mother would bear to watch two brothers

Silently tear apart

Well I start to do the same

Every day that I live differently than my name

Every day that I wake silently to the pain

Of pretending my calling was only a dream

Of watching the mural washing off the walls

Of the house that is also crumbling

Stumbling through the house of mirrors

Hall of dreams, running with scissors

Cutting the time it takes to get

To the other side of regret

And yet

I woke up this morning and stared in my coffee

And somehow the Spirit reached out and sang to me

More than a melody, it was a symphony

Of everything I was formed to be

Of all the things that have ever excited me

Written in my very bones

Fitted in with other stones

We make a wall to make a home

For the only muse, for the Father of Futures

For the real dream catcher and keeper

The Author, Spellchecker, Finisher, and Reader

Of our faith

Our faith

Is not in our own ability to create something with this life

Our fight

Is not to scrape meaning out of grey painful existence

Our life

Is to tune our ears to hear not fear but beauty

Not strict but loosely

Choosing from a wide array of choices

All pointing quite directly to the very First of Voices

The very Fount of Goodness

The very Point of Life

The only one able to peel back the blinds of the blind and speak life

To write a better story with our meager scraps of life